
Welcome to the page dedicated to privacy and cookie policy of essere. In accordance with the provisions of art. 13 of the European Regulation n. 679/2016 (GDPR), below you will find information relating to the processing of your personal data carried out by our company. This document can be periodically updated. To always know the latest version, you can contact the data controller indicated below.


essere is an individual company that uses the data provided by the interested parties exclusively for the purpose of establishing and executing commercial and contractual relationships, as well as for fulfilling the legal or conventional obligations deriving from the relationships themselves. Your data may also be used for the purposes of credit protection and better management of our rights relating to the individual contractual relationship.

Your personal data are also processed for registration as a user on our website, in order to make online purchases and to create a wishlist of products you intend to purchase.

With your express consent, our company may use your personal data, also provided through a specific form or registration procedure on our website, to send periodic communications with information or advertising content. In the event of an optional e-mail being sent to the addresses indicated on our site, or through the contact form, your e-mail address and any other data contained in the message will be used by the recipient to respond to your requests and for information purposes or advertising.

In the exclusive performance of the contractual relationship established, for its correct management and for the fulfillment of the conventional or legal obligations deriving from it, personal data may be disclosed to third parties, public or private, such as for example legal and tax consultants or banking institutions. The execution of the relationship may also entail the need for shipping or transportation of goods, with the necessary communication of your data to the companies that operate these services.

In no case will the personal data processed by our company be disclosed.


In contractual relations with our customers, we do not process sensitive data in any way, as per articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR.

We can instead process identification data, such as name, surname, company name, date of birth, residence or headquarters, tax data such as tax code and VAT number, bank details.

The communication of these data is optional by the interested party. However, in its absence, the contractual relationship may not be established or continued by our company.

The refusal to provide consent for information or advertising purposes will only make it impossible to receive information relating to the services provided by the company, but will not have any effect on other contractual relationships that may exist between you and our company.

The communication of data for registration and user creation purposes on our website is not a necessary condition to proceed with the purchase of products online. However, in case of non-registration, the interested party may not benefit from some services made available to our company, such as the creation of a wishlist and the storage of shipping and billing data.


The personal data collected for the purposes indicated above will be kept by the company until the contractual relationship is exhausted, and in any case not beyond the limitation period of the rights arising from the relationship itself.

The treatment takes place in Italy, at the essere headquarters. The data may be stored both on paper and computerized media.


The owner of the processing of personal data is essere, an individual company based in Colle di val d’Elsa, 53034, via dell Amore 9A, P.IVA e C.Fiscale 01479770529, Tel. +39 3899816130, e-mail:

In processing your personal data, the owner makes use of some managers, pursuant to art. 28 GDPR. To find out the updated list of managers, you can contact the owner directly at the addresses indicated above.


In contractual relations with our customers, we do not process sensitive data in any way, as per articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR.

We can instead process identification data, such as name, surname, company name, date of birth, residence or headquarters, tax data such as tax code and VAT number, bank details.

The communication of these data is optional by the interested party. However, in its absence, the contractual relationship may not be established or continued by our company.

The refusal to provide consent for information or advertising purposes will only make it impossible to receive information relating to the services provided by the company, but will not have any effect on other contractual relationships that may exist between you and our company.

The communication of data for registration and user creation purposes on our website is not a necessary condition to proceed with the purchase of products online. However, in case of non-registration, the interested party may not benefit from some services made available to our company, such as the creation of a wishlist and the storage of shipping and billing data.


The personal data collected for the purposes indicated above will be kept by the company until the contractual relationship is exhausted, and in any case not beyond the limitation period of the rights arising from the relationship itself.

The treatment takes place in Italy, at the essere headquarters. The data may be stored both on paper and computerized media.


The owner of the processing of personal data is essere, an individual company based in Colle di val d’Elsa, 53034, via dell Amore 9A, P.IVA e C.Fiscale 01479770529, Tel. +39 3899816130, e-mail:

In processing your personal data, the owner makes use of some managers, pursuant to art. 28 GDPR. To find out the updated list of managers, you can contact the owner directly at the addresses indicated above.


essere is the sole owner of the web domain, and owner of the processing of data collected through its website.

During their normal operation, the computer systems and computer programs necessary for the operation of our website record some personal information, the acquisition of which occurs automatically and unavoidably if internet communication protocols are used.

These are data that are in no way collected with the specific purpose of identifying the respective interested parties, but could well (due to their own characteristics), in association with other data, allow the identification of users.

This category includes, for example, IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in the submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

These data which – regardless of the chosen route – are recorded by the system according to its standard characteristics, are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of our site and to verify its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any computer crimes against the site, in accordance with the procedures in force with the competent authorities.

On our site there are links to third-party sites, Instagram, Facebook and Paypal. The user who clicks on the respective links agrees to provide browsing data to third parties, who will use them in accordance with their respective privacy policies. For more information, go to the relative Privacy Policy: Facebook:




The data provided voluntarily by the interested party to carry out the registration procedure are accessible only to the data controller and will not be disseminated in any way. In no case does our website store data relating to credit cards or bank details.


Our website is based on the WordPress platform, provided by the Automattic Inc. company, which allows its development and correct functioning. The data indispensable for navigation, provided automatically by users of our site, are in no way shared with WordPress, and remain in the exclusive availability of the data controller.

For more information, please refer to the privacy policy of Automattic Inc .:

There are also plugins of Google Inc., specifically Google Font (for the implementation of the website fonts), Google Maps (for displaying the map on the contact page) and Google Analytics (to trace and examine the use of our sites, which we use with anonymized IPs and with advertising sharing options disabled). In no case do these tools collect data uniquely attributable to a specific subject. Consequently, our site does not provide your personal data to third parties. For more information, however, we refer you to the privacy policy of Google Inc .:

We then use an analysis and tracking service provided by third parties. In particular, it is Hotjar, developed by Hotjar, Ltd, a service that helps us better understand the user experience (e.g. how long they spend on the website and on which pages, on which links they choose to click, etc.) ): this allows us to make changes and improvements to our website, optimizing it according to user needs. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on visitor behavior and on the devices used (in particular the IP address of the device (acquired and stored only anonymously), the screen size, the type of device (unique identifiers of the device), browser information, geographic location (country only). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymised user profile. Neither Hotjar nor essere will ever use this information to identify individual users or to combine them with additional data. Further information on how this service uses personal data can be found in the privacy policy of Hotjar, Ltd:

On our site there is also a remarketing service provided by Facebook Inc .: Facebook Pixel, a remarketing service provided by Facebook Inc. The service stores, through browsing data and cookies, all users who visit the site Once the user accesses his Facebook account, the service can show him our advertisements.

Find more information on how this service uses your personal data in the Facebook Inc privacy policy:

In order to guarantee the security of our website and of the personal data that the data subjects provide – automatically by browsing, or by filling in forms – we use the WordPress security plugin called iThemes Security, developed by the company iThemes Media LLC.

This service allows you to track the IP addresses of users who browse our site, to ascertain and prevent attempts by cyber attacks or unauthorized changes.

The service only tracks the IP addresses from which a fraudulent attack or attempt to login to the site platform comes from, not recording in any way personal data and the IP of the simple user.

This service is essential for the proper functioning of our website and ensures safe navigation against data breaches. The data recorded by iThemes remain in the exclusive availability of the data controller and are not transferred to iThemes Media LLC, which has no knowledge of it. For more information:

Google Inc., Automattic Inc., Hotjar, Ltd and iThemes Media LLC are companies with offices in the United States, operating all over the world and declaring themselves adequate to the provisions of the GDPR. However, it is possible that your personal data transmitted by our websites – also through cookies – to third parties, voluntarily entered by the user through the form, or by the data controller where provided through traditional channels, are stored on servers located outside of European Union.

Any transfer of this data to a country outside the EU takes place – for all the third parties indicated above – in compliance with the Privacy Shield Framework, which constitutes an adequacy decision pursuant to art. 45 of the GDPR.


Cookies are short fragments of text (letters and / or numbers) that allow the web server to store information on the browser to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies ). Cookies are stored, based on user preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Our site does not use persistent cookies, trojans, spyware, web bugs, or systems for tracking users. The use of so-called session cookies (which are not persistently registered on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is only intended to make browsing the site safe and efficient. These session cookies do not in any case allow the acquisition of the user’s personal identification data.

On our site there are Google Analytics cookies, a web analysis service that allows you to examine and track the use of the site, compile reports and share them with other services developed by Google, as well as providing other information such as the number of visitors and the pages viewed.

Based on the settings imposed by the data controller, this analysis service is used anonymously, with partial IP addresses that cannot be associated with other personal data. In the same way, the sharing and advertising options of this tool are disabled by the data controller.

For any further information, we refer you to the privacy policy of Google Inc .:

You can accept or refuse the use of cookies by following the instructions in the banner that will be presented to you when you first access our site, or change the navigation settings of your browser to completely disable cookies.

Our site does not use any automated tracking or profiling tools. The navigation data collected, exclusively anonymously, are used to obtain statistical information on the use of the site and its correct functioning.


Pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 3, GDPR, for the treatment based on the consent expressed by the interested party, he has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation. To withdraw consent to the processing, you can send written communication to the e-mail address

Based on articles 15 – 22 GDPR, the interested party also has the right to request and obtain from the data controller at any time: request confirmation of the existence or not of your personal data; obtain information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period; obtain the correction and deletion of data (so-called right to be forgotten); obtain the limitation of the treatment; obtain data portability, i.e. receive them from the data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without hindrance; oppose the treatment at any time and also in the case of treatment for direct marketing purposes; oppose an automated decision-making process relating to natural persons, including profiling, which can only take place with prior consent.

The exercise of these rights may take place by written request to the e-mail address It is possible, in addition to sending an email to, to request access, rectification and cancellation of data through our privacy center.